Welcome to m3 movers

Telephone : (021) 22635367
Whatsapp : 082123293531
Email : info@m3logistic.com


Management of IT spare parts is carried out in a professional, systematic, accountable manner and operates 24 hours a day.

M3 Movers can serve management that operates 24 hours which includes:

Goods receipt : Serving the receipt of goods from distributors in the condition of new or damaged goods which are then recorded in transactions and also the status of the condition of the goods.

Storage by category : Storage of spare parts is stored based on fast moving and slow moving categories that are adjusted to consumer needs.

Delivery of spare parts: M3 mover serves the delivery of spare parts 24 hours and holidays whenever consumers need.

Spare parts monitoring : M3 mover monitors the status of damaged spare parts, which are claimed to the principle.

Stock Opname : M3 mover can do stock taking based on consumer's wishes carefully, systematically, and accountably.

IT special warehouse storage : The warehouse that we provide specifically for IT is equipped with 24-hour security and safety equipment for work accidents or other disasters such as fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and helmets. The M3 mover also keeps the warehouse in a clean environment and is free from pests such as rats.


IT Product Moves

The process of delivering IT goods is carried out with standard packaging that is safe, fast and precise and can help mount servers into racks.

DC Relocation

The Data Center relocation process is carried out in several stages including site survey, planning, identification and labeling, dismounting, IT standard packing, shipping, unpacking, and administration.


IT warehousing storage is carried out professionally, systematically, with accountability and security protocols 24 hours a day.

Sparepart Management

Management of IT spare parts is carried out in a professional, systematic, accountable manner and operates 24 hours a day.